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Business Interruption Insurance: Prevent, Mitigate, and Resolve Losses

Earth, wind, fire, water. All are mighty and unpredictable forces. All have the potential to inflict devastating and lasting impacts on businesses of all sizes. Explore business interruption insurance, understand the types of events that are covered, what is not covered, and the losses associated with business interruption to ensure your clients’ needs are met. Examine loss control and methods of loss mitigation as well as keys to an effective post-loss action plan.

  • Standard Webinar Price: $49.00
  • CEU Unlimited Subscriber Price: $24.50
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Webinar Details

Business Interruption Insurance: Prevent, Mitigate, and Resolve Losses

The unexpected and natural disasters inflict devastating and lasting impacts on businesses. Explore business interruption insurance, understand what is and what is not covered, and the losses associated with business interruption to ensure your clients’ needs are met. Examine loss control and methods of loss mitigation as well as keys to an effective post-loss action plan.

Date and Time
Webinar Duration
60 minutes
  • Understand business interruption insurance
  • Explore what events business interruption insurance does and does not cover
  • Review coverages associated with business interruption insurance
  • Examine loss control and methods of loss mitigation
  • Build a post-loss action plan


 William J. Smith headshot

William J. Smith , CPCU, ARM

Since February 2020, Will Smith is the Director of Risk Management & Special Projects for Progressive Management, a company which builds and manages affordable housing units in New York City. Previously, he was the Vice President of Risk Management for 14 years with the YMCA of Greater New York. At both Progressive and the Y, he was brought in to build a risk management program from the ground up. Prior to working in risk management, Mr. Smith worked seventeen years in claims with multiple carriers, handling a wide variety of coverages. Smith is a graduate of Brooklyn College and has a master’s degree from Baruch University. He holds his CPCU, ARM, ARM-P, ARM-E, AIS, and AIDA. He is currently completing his AIC.

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