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Fighting Cyber Risk

Dive into the evolving world of cyber risk as you identify key stakeholders and their responsibilities in mitigating threats and attacks. Examine risk assessment methods to discover vulnerabilities, loss scenarios, and quantify the financial impact of cyber incidents. Understand legal aspects, including liability and regulations, related to cyber incidents and insurance. Navigate the claims process and bring resolution to an attack. Explore emerging trends in cyber risk modeling, coverages, and new approaches to policy customization and pricing. Close with case studies using real-world scenarios of successful cyber risk programs, lessons learned from past incidents, and evaluate the effectiveness of cyber risk insurance.

  • Standard Webinar Price: $49.00
  • CEU Unlimited Subscriber Price: $24.50
    • CEU Unlimited subscriber webinar discount will be reflected in the checkout process.
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Webinar Details

Fighting Cyber Risk

Dive into the evolving world of cyber risk. Discover vulnerabilities, loss scenarios, and quantify the financial impact of cyber incidents. Understand legal aspects, including liability and regulations, related to incidents and insurance. Explore emerging trends in cyber risk modeling, coverages, and new approaches to policy customization and pricing. Close with case studies using real-world scenarios of successful cyber risk programs, lessons learned from past incidents, and evaluate the effectiveness of cyber risk insurance.

Date and Time
Webinar Duration
60 minutes
  • Explore the risks associated with common cyber threats.
  • Identify stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities when addressing threats and attacks
  • Understand cyber insurance policies, types of coverage, components, terminology, coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions.
  • Examine risk assessment methods to identify vulnerabilities, loss scenarios, and quantify the financial impact of cyber incidents
  • Navigate the claims process and resolutions with latest best practices


Michael Phillips Headshot: Portrait of a smiling, bearded man in a suit

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips is Cyber Practice Leader, USA at CFC, the specialist insurance provider, pioneer in emerging risk and market leader in cyber. Michael also serves as Co-Chair of the Ransomware Task Force convened by the Institute for Security & Technology. An experienced lawyer and underwriter focused on cyber risk, Michael's tech and legal writing has been published by The New Yorker, BuzzFeed, and Bloomberg.

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