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Associate in Claims (AIC™)

Gain on-the-job claims skills and prepare for your next opportunity with The Institutes Designations' AIC.

Associate in Claims (AIC) at a Glance

Gain on-the-job skills you can use right away with the AIC designation. Program details include:

  • 3 courses, plus ethics
  • 6-9 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Claims Handling
  • Claims Resolution
  • Claim Investigation
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Interviewing
  • Negotiation
  • Data Analysis
  • Communication
  • Inter-departmental Collaboration
  • How to effectively execute the claims handling process so you can reach fair settlements
  • Best practices you can use to build customer loyalty and minimize insurer reputation risk
  • How to best use data analytics and technology so you can recognize and prevent fraud
  • Interviewing strategies so you get the details you need from claimants, witnesses, and experts
  • Proven techniques to resolve claims disputes outside of court to eliminate extra time and hassle
  • How to effectively evaluate auto, liability, property, or workers compensation claims based on your focus

Looking for state continuing education (CE)? Check to see if AIC courses are approved for CE in your state so you can gain valuable continuing education credits while you earn your Associate in Claims.

You can select a testing window when you purchase your exam and take it any time during that window. AIC virtual exams are timed and you will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.

In addition to using other exam prep materials included in your course, we recommend taking the simulated exam before you take your credentialing exam. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam, and students who take it pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.

If you aren’t sure if AIC is the right fit, sample the content for free by enrolling in the Online AIC Sample Course, or try a sample course for one of the core courses or any of the AIC elective choices:

Credentials You Can Trust

60,000+ have earned the Associate in Claims (AIC)

50+ years since the Associate in Claims (AIC) was created

110+ years of The Institutes providing well-known risk management and insurance training

AIC Designation

Total Requirements: 4 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 6-9 Months

Still Wondering if AIC is Right for You?

Not Ready for AIC? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Certificate Program

Property Technical Certificate I


Exceed customer expectations and set yourself apart as a qualified professional by effectively managing property losses resulting from fire, water, and windstorm. Expand on your skills to properly investigate, scope, and estimate a property loss. 

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