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ARe 321: Exploring Reinsurance Products and Transactions

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Improve your collaboration with insurers by learning the fundamentals of reinsurance products and transactions to better serve your customers. In this course, not only will you learn how insurers and reinsurers create programs, you will also get an overall understanding of reinsurance products and transactions.


Skills You'll Gain

checkmark Better collaborate with an insurer to develop reinsurance solutions for its large property risks

checkmark Effectively assess an insurer’s strategic risks to create an effective reinsurance program

checkmark Devise reinsurance strategies for mitigating the impact of extreme losses on an insurer’s bottom line

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Reinsurance
  • Finance
  • Loss Mitigation
  • Risk Management
  • Catastrophe Insurance


Assignment 1:
How Reinsurers Meet Insurers’ Needs
25 min
Assignment 2:
Increasing Financial Strength with Quota Share
30 min
Assignment 3:
Financing Complex Exposures with Surplus Share
25 min
Assignment 4:
Managing Large Property Risk with Property Per Risk
20 min
Assignment 5:
Mitigating Liability with Casualty Excess
15 min
Assignment 6:
Covering Extreme Losses with Catastrophe Excess
30 min
Assignment 7:
Stabilizing Loss Experience with Aggregate Excess
15 min
Assignment 8:
How Reinsurers and Insurers Collaborate
30 min
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

ARe 321 comes with proven comprehensive study materials to help you take The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence:

  1. Printable Study Outline: Perfect for students who still appreciate paper and highlighters, the study outline provides a summary of the course content and review questions to help you test your knowledge of each assignment as you move through the course.
  2. QuizMe App: A flexible and convenient way for you to take practice quizzes anytime, anywhere.
  3. Practice Quizzes: Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice quizzes for each assignment and for the full course. And bonus – take them as many times as you want.
  4. Simulated Exam: Designed to give you the full experience of your final exam, the simulated exam is a timed exam that you can only take once. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam. Students who take their Institutes simulated exam pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.
  5. Discussion Boards: Better understand how key concepts apply to real-life, professional experiences by connecting, gaining tips, and sharing best practices with others in your field.
  6. Flashcards: Test yourself on key terms with flashcards to help you fit studying into your busy schedule.

Try ARe for FREE

Sample the ARe designation in just 30-45 minutes to make sure it’s the right fit for you!



  1. Does this course give me credit toward The Institutes Designations?
    • Yes! ARe 321 is a core course within the Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) designation. It also gives you credit toward CPCU.
  2. How long does the course take?
    • ARe 321 typically takes students 4-6 weeks to complete.
  3. How is The Institutes Designations' exam structured?
    • Virtual exams are timed. You will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.
  4. What’s included in my course materials?
    • Course materials include the online course, printable study outline, QuizMe app, practice quizzes, flashcards, discussion boards, and a simulated exam.
  5. How do testing windows work?
    • We offer The Institutes Designations' exams in 4 testing windows throughout the year.* You can complete your exam at any time in the testing window that you registered for. Access your exam from your account when the window opens and complete it any time until 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the window.
      • Quarter 1: January 15 – March 15
      • Quarter 2: April 15 – June 15
      • Quarter 3: July 15 – September 15
      • Quarter 4: October 15 – December 15

*Exam windows that close on a weekend will be extended to the following business day.

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