Navigating the Collegiate Studies Program
Explore resources for The Institutes Knowledge Group’s Collegiate Studies Program, including information on CPCU®, the Collegiate Studies for CPCU certificate, course waivers, scholarship opportunities, and more. Whether you're a student navigating your academic journey or an instructor guiding students towards success, find everything you need right here.

What is CPCU?
The Institutes Designations' CPCU is the leadership standard in risk management and insurance. College students may earn up to two waivers towards the CPCU designation while pursuing their Collegiate Studies for CPCU certificate.
When you earn your CPCU, you join over 90,000 professionals – all with different goals, backgrounds, interests, and stories – who have a common passion for the risk management and insurance field and continuing their education.
Learn more about CPCUWhat You Can Gain From the Collegiate Studies Program
- Credit towards The Institutes Designations’ CPCU
- The Collegiate Studies for CPCU certificate
- Free membership to The Institutes CPCU Society
- Access to scholarships and financial aid
Watch the video to learn more about what the Collegiate Studies program has to offer.
Resources for Students
Apply for a Collegiate Studies Waiver
College students can earn up to two waivers towards CPCU by achieving a B or higher in an approved course. Apply by selecting your university, uploading your transcript, and submitting within 5 years of the relevant semester.
Earn the Collegiate Studies for CPCU Certificate
Earn your certificate by completing two courses approved to waive credit towards the CPCU designation in addition to the free course, Ethics 311: Ethical Decision Making in Risk and Insurance. Earning the certificate signifies a commitment to proficiency and integrity in the RMI field.
Have You Joined the CPCU Society Yet?
Full-time undergrad students interested in risk management and insurance careers can gain complimentary membership to the CPCU Society!
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Explore the following opportunities available through The Institutes and its affiliates:
CPCU Scholarship
NextGen Scholarship
Loman Financial Aid
In2Risk Student Scholarship
What Can CPCU Do For You?
The CPCU designation will provide you with the well-rounded RMI education you need to succeed. It’s more than a credential; it's a testament to being a leader of the future. Hear from others on why they made the commitment to become a CPCU.
Approval from the American Council on Education for College Credit
A number of courses in The Institutes Designations CPCU and AINS programs have been approved by ACE for college credit. Visit the ace website, select ‘Search the ACE National Guide,’ and enter ‘American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty.’

Advance Your Academic Studies
Courses you take from The Institutes Knowledge Group can help you earn credit towards a college degree at the following schools:
- Baker College–Center for Graduate Studies
- Boston University: Earn a master’s degree in insurance management.
- Capella University: Earn a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, of a Master of Business Administration.
- Central Penn College: Earn an associates or bachelor's degree.
- Charter Oak State College: Earn an online bachelors of arts or science degree in liberal arts, business administration.
- DeVry University: Earn a bachelor's degree.
- Excelsior College: Earn an associate’s degree, a bachelor's degree or an online MBA.
- Franklin University: Earn an undergraduate degree.
- New England College of Business and Finance: Earn an associate's, bachelors or master's degree.
- The University of Olivet: Earn an undergraduate degree or MBA.
- Salve Regina University: Earn a Master of Science or MBA.
- Trident University: Earn a bachelors, masters or doctoral degree.
- Walden University: Earn a Bachelor of Science, MBA, or PhD.
Credits accepted are subject to change without notice. Please verify credit arrangements with individual institutions by visiting the ACE website, selecting ‘Search the ACE National Guide,’ and entering ‘American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty.’
SEE COURSES APPROVED BY ACEResources for Instructors
Register Your Classes
If you’re an instructor, you can register courses to grant students CPCU credit and help them earn the Collegiate Studies for CPCU certificate. You can also add courses or apply if your school is not yet part of the program.
Collegiate Studies for CPCU FAQ Page
Explore FAQs about the updated Collegiate Studies for CPCU program, including course curriculum changes, waivers, course material costs, and more.
Subscribe for Helpful Resources
Subscribe for updates on collegiate offerings, tools to promote your program, and resources to empower students in risk management and insurance careers.
Have Additional Questions?
If you need more information or have any additional questions about the Collegiate Studies Program, please contact us at