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All-New Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI®)

Build Your Skills. Build Your Business. Build Your Future.

It’s Your Time. Build Your Future.

Establishing yourself as a leader in the insurance industry takes dedication, strong skills, and a solid knowledge base. Build your skills and knowledge as you build your business – and future with The Institutes Designations AAI.

Build skills vital to become a successful insurance leader as you earn your AAI.

Just some of what you'll learn as you earn the AAI designation:

  • Assess and manage your clients’ risks with coverage solutions
  • Create a plan for success as an agent
  • Attract and retain clients through tailored solutions
  • Maximize technological solutions to manage your book of business and agency
  • Sharpen your understanding of coverage solutions to protect your clients personal and commercial liabilities
  • Understand the role of insurance in personal financial planning


Three Core Courses
Master skills to grow your business, cultivate relationships, and build a deeper understanding of coverage options.
One Ethics Course
Develop skills to recognize ethical dilemmas and reach informed decisions.
You've earned your designation!
Show Off Your Badge
Display your AAI digital badge in your email signature and social media profiles with pride!

Build skills you’ll apply immediately as you earn your AAI.

Program highlights:

  • 3 courses, plus ethics
  • 6-9 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon program completion
  • Digital badge upon program completion

Ready-Made Resume Skills:

  • Consulting
  • Critical Thinking
  • Negotiation
  • Sales
  • Risk analysis
  • Contract analysis
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Business acumen

Earn your AAI after completing three focused courses and one ethics course. Arrange your courses around your schedule – with our 100% online delivery, our courses are accessible when you want, where you want.


  • Assess and manage your clients’ risks with coverage solutions
  • Create a plan for success as an agent
  • Attract and retain clients through tailored solutions and effective client support
  • Maximize technological solutions to manage your book of business and agency
  • Sharpen your understanding of coverage solutions to protect your clients personal and commercial liabilities
  • Understand the role of insurance in personal financial planning

AAI Designation

Total Requirements: 4 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 6-9 Months
Designation Credly Badge

You have questions, we have answers:

Closeup of a handshake between a young black man and a white woman wearing black nail polish

We want to help you succeed!

If you have questions give us a call or send us an email.


U.S. and Canada: (800) 644-2101

Outside the U.S.: (610) 644-2100

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