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Accredited Customer Service Representative™ (ACSR™)

Your Journey Starts Here

Take your career further by deepening your knowledge of insurance products and building your client-centric skillset. Achieve these goals and more as you earn Micro-Certs and The Institutes Designations' Accredited Customer Service Representative™ (ACSR™).  Plus, do it all in as little as 25 minutes a day!

Earning Your Accredited Customer Service Representative™ (ACSR)

Two Core Courses
Gain a deeper understanding of the keys to success as a client manager and vital coverage knowledge.
Three Micro-Certs
Build account management skills, coverage expertise, and industry knowledge as you earn Micro-Certs and badges.
One Ethics Course
Develop skills to recognize ethical dilemmas and reach informed decisions.
Display your ACSR digital badge in your email signature and social media profiles with pride

Build skills you’ll apply immediately as you earn your ACSR.

Program highlights:

  • 2 courses, 3 Micro-Certs, plus ethics
  • 3-6 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon program completion
  • Digital badge upon program completion
  • Exceed client expectations to gain trust and loyalty
  • Understand the levels of client expectations and methods to exceed those expectations
  • Develop strong skills for each communication channel
  • Recognize and minimize agency errors and omissions
  • Explore personal coverage including property, liability, and auto
  • Answer questions around commercial coverage options
  • Uncover and close coverage gaps

Your Next Steps

We recommend starting your studies with ACSR 321 Becoming a Successful ACSR

ACSR Designation

Total Requirements: 6 Average Course: 6-9 Hours Program Completion: 3-6 Months
Designation Credly Badge

You have questions, we have answers:

We want to help you succeed!

If you have questions give us a call or send us an email.



U.S. and Canada: (800) 644-2101

Outside the U.S.: (610) 644-2100

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