FAQ: Exam Question Formats

1. What types of questions will I see on my simulated and credentialing exams?
In addition to multiple choice questions, you’ll see a variety of question formats, such as fill-in-the-blank, drag and drop, and numeric entry. These formats are designed to help you better understand, retain, and apply course content, as well as prepare you for real-world scenarios.
2. What are the advantages of having different question formats on my exams?
The variety of question formats not only supports learning but also enhances your ability to retain and apply specific course concepts. These question types were selected to help you develop the skills covered in your course.
3. Are question formats consistent across all programs?
No, question formats vary by program and exam. We select the formats that best enable retention of skills specific to each course.
4. How are these question types chosen for credentialing exams?
All question formats undergo testing in simulated exams before being added to credentialing exams. This ensures that they are suitable for the credentialing exam.
5. How do The Institutes ensure fair question formats across exams?
We continuously review and analyze question success rates and completion times to maintain fairness. Our data shows that students successfully answer new question types at similar rates as multiple-choice questions.
6. Will I know which question types to expect on my exam?
To protect exam integrity, we don’t specify which question types appear on specific exams. However, your simulated exam is the best indicator of the types you might see on exam day:
- If a question type is included in your simulated exam, it may appear on your credentialing exam.
- If a question type is not in your simulated exam, it will not appear on your credentialing exam.
7. Should I take the simulated exam before my credentialing exam?
Yes, we highly recommend completing the simulated exam to familiarize yourself with potential question formats and practice applying the course material.
8. Will I lose points on fill-in-the-blank questions if I make a minor spelling error?
No, you won’t lose points on fill-in-the-blank questions during the credentialing exam if your answer contains a common misspelling of a word.