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Associate in Commercial Underwriting–Management (AU-M™)

Already have The Institutes Designations Associate in Commercial Underwriting (AU™)? With just one more course, you can grow your leadership skills to better manage a book of business.

1 Prerequisite
Build a strong foundation with the Associate in Commercial Underwriting (AU)
1 Core Course
Take AU 67 to gain leadership skills in commercial underwriting
Stand out with your AU-M designation

AU-M at a Glance

1-3 Months After AU Virtual Exams

After you complete the Associate in Commercial Underwriting (AU), the AU-M program includes:

  • 1 course
  • 1-3 months to complete
  • 100% online course
  • Virtual exam
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Strategic Hiring
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Business Relationship Management
  • Data Analysis
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Account Management

After completing AU as your foundation, take AU 67: Managing Underwriting Success to gain leadership skills in commercial underwriting. Plus, because you earned your AU first, you've already satisfied the ethics component for AU-M!

  • Recruit and develop talent so you can build a high-performing underwriting team and exceed customer expectations
  • Align your team’s performance with the insurer’s goals so your employees understand their impact on the organization
  • Effectively manage a book of business so you can ensure customers are satisfied with their coverage and experience

AU-M is designed for risk management and insurance professionals including:

  • Current underwriters seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • Insurance professionals aspiring to advance their careers in underwriting.
  • Individuals interested in professional development and growth opportunities in leadership and underwriting.

AU-M Designation

Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 1-3 Months After AU

Not Ready for AU-M? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.


Associate in Management


Hone your leadership skills and gain a solid understanding of management principles and practices to effectively manage your team, strategically plan initiatives, and make smarter business decisions.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Commercial Underwriting


Build a strong foundation in commercial underwriting principles and gain skills you can use right away, including data analysis, disaster risk reduction, insurance operations, and more. 

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