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Associate in Surplus Lines Insurance (ASLI™)

Meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the surplus lines market and ensure correct risk placement with The Institutes Designations' ASLI.

2 Core Courses
Understand surplus lines operations and coverages
1 Elective
Focus on claims, commercial underwriting, or risk management
Apply ethical frameworks to your day-to-day job
Stand out with your ASLI designation

Associate in Surplus Lines Insurance (ASLI) at a Glance

Gain on-the-job skills you can use right away with the ASLI designation. Program details include:

  • 3 courses, plus ethics
  • 6-9 month completion time
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Surplus Lines
  • Risk Assessment
  • Surplus Lines Underwriting
  • Claims Resolution
  • Commercial and Personal Loss Exposures

Build your foundation of surplus lines operations and coverages:

Choose one of the following electives:

Ethical Decision Making in Risk and Insurance is a free course that’s required for all designations, including ASLI.

If you have earned the RPLU designation, you can waive the ASLI elective. Complete the Waiver Request Form to earn credit.

  • Understand the need for surplus lines insurance and how it is regulated so you can explain its benefits to consumers 
  • Recognize coverage gaps and other key factors so you can advocate for new surplus lines product development
  • Evaluate underwriting results and financial statements to help ensure the profitability and solvency of surplus lines insurers
  • Learn to navigate surplus lines policies to quickly answer client questions 
  • Identify unique personal loss exposures that are best suited for the surplus lines market

ASLI Designation

Total Requirements: 4 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 6-9 Months

Still Wondering if ASLI is Right for You?

Here are some final facts to help you decide if this is the right designation for your role as well as your future career goals.

Not Ready for ASLI? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Online Course

Surplus Lines Fundamentals


Effectively meet challenges and opportunities with a strong foundation in surplus lines placement and products.

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