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Customer Service

Thrive in your current role and position yourself for future career advancement. Get the tools and skills you need to be a better resource for your customers and stand out in your job.

Try Our Customer Service Content With Online Courses or Our Free Sample Courses!

Learn more about customer service by checking out one of the online courses or free sample courses, which sample our top customer service designations' course materials.

sample-course Most Popular Free

AINS Sample Course


Try the Associate in Insurance program for free with this sample course. You’ll start developing the skills you need to understand why insurance exists, how it is evolving, and why it's so important for families and organizations.

Online Course

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance


Confidently serve your customers with an understanding of basic risk management and insurance principles. Build a foundation in insurance functions and regulation, the risk management process, and the claims and underwriting decision processes.

Online Course

Captive Insurance Fundamentals


Develop an understanding of captive insurers and their benefits as a risk financing tool.

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Customer Service Professionals

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance

Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Online Course

Successful Starts for CSRs

Gain the knowledge you need to quickly and confidently support your clients and grow your customer base. Provide an optimal customer service experience and set yourself up for success with an increased understanding of communication skills as well as risk management and insurance principles.


Accredited Customer Service Representative

Take your career further by deepening your knowledge of insurance products and building your client-centric skillset. 

Online Course

Successful Starts for CSRs

Gain the knowledge you need to quickly and confidently support your clients and grow your customer base. Provide an optimal customer service experience and set yourself up for success with an increased understanding of communication skills as well as risk management and insurance principles.

Online Course

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance

Confidently serve your customers with an understanding of basic risk management and insurance principles. Build a foundation in insurance functions and regulation, the risk management process, and the claims and underwriting decision processes.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance

Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.


Accredited Customer Service Representative

Take your career further by deepening your knowledge of insurance products and building your client-centric skillset. 

Designation Most Popular


Gain confidence and make better business decisions through a broad understanding of the relevant and emerging concepts in risk management and today’s insurance landscape. Drive results and enhance your credibility through strong knowledge of coverage applications, various risk transfer tools, data analysis, and more.


Associate in Insurance Services

Build on your risk management and insurance expertise by developing a forward-thinking mindset in a rapidly evolving landscape where innovation, technology, and data analytics are transforming insurance.

Designation Most Popular


Gain confidence and make better business decisions through a broad understanding of the relevant and emerging concepts in risk management and today’s insurance landscape. Drive results and enhance your credibility through strong knowledge of coverage applications, various risk transfer tools, data analysis, and more.


Accredited Customer Service Representative

Take your career further by deepening your knowledge of insurance products and building your client-centric skillset. 


Executive Education

Stimulate strategic leadership thinking focused on risk management and insurance with The Institutes Designations Executive Education program at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.

The Institutes courses provided me with a better understanding of the insurance world as a whole and have helped prepare me for my future as an insurance professional.

Alternative Text Describing the Image

Meg Griffith CPCU, AU-M Client Outcome Specialist

woman standing in front of fountain with arms crossed, smiling

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Online Course Most Popular

Insurance Essentials


Gain a basic understanding of risk management and insurance concepts. Learn key terms and definitions, understand the different types of insurance, and explore how insurance affects society and the economy.

Move forward with confidence

You have the drive. We have the courses, tools and resources you need to master customer service while preparing for your next big opportunity. The Institutes can help you advance on your path to success.

3.8k students per year are employed in customer service roles and are actively participating in risk management and insurance education from The Institutes.

82% of program completers believe Institutes designations added value to their current role.

77% of students said that earning their designation has helped them achieve their career goals.

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