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Flexible Content

Custom Solutions

Benefit from customized educational materials and professional development tools, designed to the meet the specific needs of your team.

Why custom solutions are right for your team

Save time and money by developing custom materials that meet your organization’s specific needs. With more than 8,000 topics to choose from, you can build solutions such as textbooks, online courses and assessments to fit your needs.

11,000+ insurance topics from which to choose.

50+ colleges, universities and organizations around the globe have partnered with The Institutes.

45+ custom solutions developed every year.

Building a custom solution can be done in four easy steps

1. Request information by filling out the form below

2. Consult with our custom solution expert           

3. Select the topics and format for your solution   

4. Implement the solution in your organization     

The Institutes have always delivered high-quality insurance education, and the ability to customize the content is extremely valuable. The process is a simple and effective way to deliver targeted information to a specific audience at a very affordable cost, either electronically or by using a traditional textbook.

Chris Behymer Markel Corporation

Man and woman talking in front of laptop
Hands typing on a laptop surrounded by notebooks, pencils, and glasses

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