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CPCU Designation Scholarship Guidelines

Here are the guidelines for The Institutes Designations CPCU Scholarship Program

Corporate Guidelines

An institution may receive up to two (2) recipients for the CPCU Designation Scholarship. To qualify, applicants must:

  • Be nominated by a senior executive or senior level manager of an organization with a minimum of five employees
  • Be engaged or interested in risk management and insurance and is able to meet the matriculation requirements for the CPCU designation
  • Be able to complete the CPCU program within two years of receiving the scholarship

Required Materials

  • Complete Application
  • Letter of Recommendation (1 letter from a senior executive or senior level manager of the organization is required)
  • Personal Statement (Why do you want to obtain the CPCU designation?)
  • Essay Question: 
    Industry Challenges and Opportunities
    “What do you believe are the most pressing challenges facing the insurance industry today, and how would you approach solving them as a future leader?”

To Apply

Complete the Corporate Application

College and University Guidelines

An institution may receive up to two (2) recipients for the CPCU Designation Scholarship. To qualify, applicants must:

  • Be a full-time undergraduate student, who is majoring or interested in insurance, risk management, actuarial science, finance, or related field of study and not employed in the industry
  • Be nominated by the department chair or college dean 
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher
  • Be able to complete the CPCU program within two years of receiving the scholarship

Required Materials

  • Complete Application
  • Letter of Recommendation (1 letter from the department chair or college dean is required)
  • Personal Statement (Why do you want to obtain the CPCU designation?)
  • Essay Question: 
    Industry Challenges and Opportunities
    “What do you believe are the most pressing challenges facing the insurance industry today, and how would you approach solving them as a future leader?”

To Apply

Complete the College Student Application


If you have a question on the application process or qualifications, please email

Note: Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-granted basis, so do not wait to submit your nominations! Additionally, application guidelines and requirements are subject to change.

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