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Associate in Reinsurance (ARe™)

Gain the skills you need to better collaborate with insurers with The Institutes Designations ARe.

4 Core Courses
Understand reinsurance products, transactions and contracts
Apply ethical frameworks to your day-to-day job
Stand out with your ARe designation

Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) at a Glance

Gain skills you can use right away with the ARe designation. This program includes:

  • 4 courses, plus ethics
  • 9-12 month completion time
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Reinsurance
  • Insurance Accounting
  • Risk Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Loss Mitigation
  • Catastrophe Insurance
  • Claim Resolution
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Contract Management

Create effective reinsurance programs that protect insurers from risk and increase their security by completing 4 core courses, plus ethics:

Ethical Decision Making in Risk and Insurance is a free course that's required for all designations, including ARe.

  • How reinsurers best meet insurer needs so you can increase collaboration with your clients
  • Proven techniques to apply the right reinsurance criteria to an insurer's book of business
  • How to effectively place reinsurance and measure its financial impact
  • Details on reinsurance products and transactions so you can better serve customers
  • Best practices to use to effectively negotiate reinsurance agreements and contracts
  • How to accurately determine claim payment so you can reach fair settlements

ARe Designation

Total Requirements: 5 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 9-12 Months

Still Wondering if ARe is Right for You?

Here are some final facts to help you decide if this is the right designation for your role as well as your future career goals.

Not ready for a designation?

Online Course

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance


Confidently serve your customers with an understanding of basic risk management and insurance principles. Build a foundation in insurance functions and regulation, the risk management process, and the claims and underwriting decision processes.

Online Course

Blockchain in Insurance


Explore the basics of blockchain, the existing and theoretical use cases, and the ways you can apply concepts to real-world situations. Arm yourself with a better understanding of how this technology will affect your day-to-day business operations.

Is a Designation Worth It?

If you have questions about whether to pursue a designation versus an MBA, why our students choose The Institutes Designations programs, or where to begin, we’ve got the answers! Download our guide, “Take Your Career to the Next Level,” to learn why a designation is worth the investment.

Not Ready for ARe? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Online Course Most Popular

Reinsurance Fundamentals


In this introductory course, learn about the basics of reinsurance and how insurers utilize it to fulfill their operational and financial goals by transferring insurance risk.

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