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Associate in Management (AIM™)

Build the skills you need to effectively manage your team and make strategic business decisions through The Institutes Designations AIM program.

2 Management Courses
Strategically manage your team and leverage data
1 CPCU Course
Improve your operational effectiveness with CPCU 520
Apply ethical frameworks to your day-to-day job
Stand out with your AIM designation

AIM at a Glance

Gain tangible skills to become a better manager with the AIM designation.

Program details include:

  • 3 courses, plus ethics
  • 6-9 month completion time
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Strategic Hiring
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Business Resilience
  • Cyber Risk Management
  • Strategic Data Analysis

Build your managerial skills within the framework of risk and insurance:

Ethical Decision Making in Risk and Insurance is a free course that’s required for all designations, including AIM.

  • Increase your emotional intelligence to improve employee performance and build change management skills
  • Prioritize diversity and social responsibility so you can create and lead a stronger team with varying perspectives and backgrounds
  • Accurately analyze and interpret risk data to help your company make strategic business decisions
  • Build organizational resiliency so your company can adapt to unforeseen circumstances without disrupting customers

AIM Designation

Total Requirements: 4 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 6-9 Months

Still Wondering if AIM is Right for You?

Is a Designation Worth It?

If you have questions about whether to pursue a designation versus an MBA, why our students choose The Institutes Designations programs, or where to begin, we’ve got the answers! Download our guide, “Take Your Career to the Next Level,” to learn why a designation is worth the investment.

Not Ready for AIM? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Online Course

Emerging Technologies and Risk


Learn how innovation will influence technology, as well as disrupt and transform risk management and insurance through digitization, data-driven decision making, and blockchain.

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