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Exam Information

Learn how to register and complete an Institutes Designations' exam.

Starting February 17, all exams will include virtual proctoring to maintain the value and integrity of your hard-earned Institutes Designation. Find out what this means for you, including how it works, common FAQs, device requirements, and more.

Student taking exam

Retakes and Transfers

Retake any exam once in the same testing window. Virtual retakes are $80 off the standard price if you retake in the same testing window!  

Need to transfer your exam? If you are not ready to test, visit the My Courses and Exams page and transfer eligible exams to the next testing window or contact Customer Success at (800) 644-2101, until 6 p.m. by the last business day of the testing window. A non-refundable $95 transfer fee applies. 


Technical Requirements for Virtual Exams​

To maintain the integrity of the exam process and ensure a smooth testing experience, make sure you follow these requirements, as well as ensure you have a reliable internet connection to complete your exam without any interruptions:

Exams With Virtual Proctoring (All CPCU Exams) 

Virtual exam proctoring is a requirement for all CPCU exams starting January 15, with non-CPCU exams following on February 17. To ensure you have a seamless experience, you will need:

  • A laptop or desktop computer (mobile and tablet devices are not supported)
  • A web camera and microphone
  • Required operating system—Windows 10 or 11, or the latest two releases of MacOS
  • A supported browser—latest versions of Chrome, Edge, or Firefox

We recommend testing your equipment at least 48 hours before your exam.

Exams Without Virtual Proctoring (All Non-CPCU Exams) 

Non-CPCU exams will have virtual proctoring starting February 17. Until then, you will need:

  • Laptop or desktop computer—Mobile and tablet devices can also be used
  • Required operating system—Windows 10 or 11, or the latest two releases of MacOS
  • A supported browser—latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari

Virtual Exam FAQs

The Institutes Designations' exams are copyrighted. Any reproduction of materials contained in an Institutes examination, in whole or in part, through any means, including but not limited to videotaping, copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through memorization and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of exam materials or derivative works through any form of verbal, electronic or written communication, is strictly prohibited.


*Exceptions: CAS, iCAS, ACSR and segment exams.

**Discount on virtual exam retakes applies to retakes purchased and completed in the same testing window.

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