When exam day ends...
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Exam Retakes
You can register to take the same exam a maximum of two times during a testing window* and a maximum of four times during a twelve month period. All exam retakes are subject to the full exam registration fee. Virtual retakes are $80 off the standard price if you retake in the same testing window!**
Learn About RetakesCommon Questions After People Finish Their Exam
When will I receive my exam grades?
Immediately after you finish your exam you'll receive a pass or non-pass result. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email alerting you that your detailed grade report is available in the Grades section of your Institutes account. The report provides your score. If you did not pass, it includes the topics in which you missed questions. To find study materials for these topics, use the Course Topics PDF in your online course.
An official grade for examinations that do not have an announced delay should be received no later than one week after the test date. Contact The Institutes if a grade report is not received.
An examinee is identified by an ID number and not by name. The Institutes never reveal personal information.
A grade of 70 is required to pass. Grades are final and are not subject to appeal.
What may cause my grades to be delayed?
Grading delays may occur when tests are based on new or revised material or the exam is first given in an objective format. This most often occurs during the January-March and July-September testing windows.
Can my grades be removed?
The Institutes reserve the right to remove the grade for any examinee who violates The Institutes’ rules of conduct and/or as the result of data forensic findings.
What happens after I pass my final designation exam?
After you pass, you can immediately begin using the designation after your name, and your diploma will be mailed to you. Don't forget to update your professional social media profiles and feel free to post your news!
If you complete the CPCU by June 15, you will be invited to attend The Institutes’ CPCU Conferment Ceremony during In2Risk, held in September or October every year.
Want more exam resources?
Check out "Exam Information" and "What to Expect on Exam Day" to learn more!
The Institutes Designations exams are copyrighted. Any reproduction of materials contained in an Institutes examination, in whole or in part, through any means, including but not limited to videotaping, copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through memorization and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of exam materials or derivative works through any form of verbal, electronic or written communication, is strictly prohibited.
*Exam windows that close on a weekend will be extended to the following business day.
**Discount on virtual exam retakes applies to retakes purchased and completed in the same testing window.