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All-New Accredited Adviser in Insurance-Management (AAI-M™)

A confident manager stands with her arms crossed in front of her employees

Build skills vital to become an effective team leader and manager of a thriving agency as you earn The Institutes Designations AAI-M.

Highlights of the AAI-M designation include:

  • Enhance retention through effective career paths and succession planning.
  • Implement organizational change with minimal resistance.
  • Create a cohesive in-person or virtual team through culture and common goals.
  • Build and optimize customer and insurer relationships.
  • Create agency growth and achieve objectives with strategic decision making.
  • Manage strategic partnerships including mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances.
  • Mitigate business risk through increased agency resilience.
Earn Your AAI®
Master skills to grow your business, cultivate relationships, and build a deeper understanding of coverage options.
One AAI-M Course
Develop skills to lead a cohesive team and vital, strong agency.
You’ve earned your AAI-M designation!
Show Off Your Badge
Display your AAI-M digital badge with pride in your email signature and social media profiles!

Build skills you’ll apply immediately as you earn your AAI-M.

Program highlights:

  • Earn your AAI designation
  • One AAI-M course
  • 1-3 months to complete after earning your AAI
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon program completion
  • Digital badge upon program completion

Earn your AAI-M after completing three AAI focused courses, one AAI-M core course, and an ethics course. Arrange your courses around your schedule – with our 100% online delivery, our courses are accessible when you want, where you want.


AAI-M Core Course:


  • Enhance retention through effective career paths and succession planning.
  • Implement organizational change with minimal resistance.
  • Create a cohesive in-person or virtual team through culture and common goals.
  • Build and optimize customer and insurer relationships.
  • Create agency growth and achieve objectives with strategic decision making.
  • Manage strategic partnerships including mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances.
  • Mitigate business risk through increased agency resilience.

AAI-M Designation

Total Requirements: 3 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 1-3 Months After Prerequisite
Designation Credly Badge

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers:

A closeup of hands on a laptop keyboard typing

We want to help you succeed!

If you have questions give us a call or send us an email.



U.S. and Canada: (800) 644-2101

Outside the U.S.: (610) 644-2100

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