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AAI 330: Managing a Thriving Agency

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Master the skills to recruit, train, and retain employees through your agency’s career pathing, succession planning, culture, and common goals. Manage and implement change successfully. Optimize your customer and insurer relations to create agency growth. Use strategic decision making to achieve agency objectives. Mitigate business risk through increased agency resilience.


Skills You’ll Gain

 checkmark Enhance retention through effective career paths and succession planning.

 checkmark Implement organizational change with minimal resistance.

 checkmark Create a cohesive in-person or virtual team through culture and common goals.

 checkmark Build and optimize customer and insurer relationships.

 checkmark Create agency growth and achieve objectives with strategic decision making.

 checkmark Manage strategic partnerships including mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances.

 checkmark Mitigate business risk through increased agency resilience

Completing this course gives credit toward The Institutes Designations:

  • Accredited Adviser in Insurance-Management (AAI-M™)


Assignment 1:
Cultivating Agency Alignment
Assignment 2:
Developing Your Employees
Assignment 3:
Building a Cohesive Culture
Assignment 4:
Communicating with Colleagues and Clients
Assignment 5:
Implementing Successful Agency Strategy
Assignment 6:
Increasing Agency Resilience
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

AAI 330 comes with proven comprehensive study materials to help you take The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence:

  1. Printable Study Outline
    The study outline provides a summary of the course content and review questions to help you test your knowledge of each assignment as you move through the course.
  2. Practice Quizzes
    Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice quizzes for each assignment and for the full course. And bonus – take them as many times as you want.
  3. Simulated Exam
    Designed to give you the full experience of your final exam, the simulated exam is a timed exam that you can only take once. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam. Students who take their Institutes simulated exam pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.
  4. Discussion Boards
    Better understand how key concepts apply to real-life, professional experiences by connecting, gaining tips, and sharing best practices with others in your field.
  5. Flashcards
    Test yourself on key terms with flashcards to help you fit studying into your busy schedule.


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