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Associate in Fidelity and Surety Bonding (AFSB®)

Demonstrate your proficiency in fidelity and surety bonding with the The Institutes Designations AFSB program.

What an AFSB can do for you

The AFSB designation serves as a concrete measure of my competency and knowledge of the surety industry. I am honored to have achieved this designation that was developed by our industry’s most experienced professionals, and I know that the knowledge I have obtained throughout the designation process will serve me well in the surety business.

Caroline Murphree Roberson CPA, AFSB Underwriting Operation Analyst at Lexon Surety Group

5 Core Courses
Create a solid foundation in fidelity and surety bonding
Apply ethical frameworks to your day-to-day job
Stand out with your AFSB designation

AFSB at a Glance

Gain skills you can use right away with the AFSB designation. This program includes: 

  • 5 courses, plus ethics 
  • 12-15 months to complete 
  • Virtual exams for all courses 
  • Mailed diploma upon completion 

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Surety Bonds
  • Claims Handling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Financial Analysis
  • Fidelity Bonds
  • Contract Management
  • Trend Forecasting
  • Grasp surety bond underwriting practices and strategies to develop and maintain a profitable book of business.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of contract bond suretyship to serve all involved parties effectively: the principal, surety, and obligee.
  • Leverage your knowledge of commercial surety bonding and crime insurance so you can help customers fill key coverage gaps.
  • Develop skills to minimize your organization’s legal risks and navigate the ever-changing insurance landscape.
  • Apply key accounting concepts and principles in your day-to-day work to make strategic financial decisions and improve your organization’s bottom line. 

AFSB Designation

Total Requirements: 6 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 12-15 Months

Not Ready for AFSB? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Online Course Most Popular

Insurance Essentials


Gain a basic understanding of risk management and insurance concepts. Learn key terms and definitions, understand the different types of insurance, and explore how insurance affects society and the economy.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

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