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Lead the Future With CPCU®

Gain practical leadership skills with The Institutes Designations' CPCU, the leadership standard in risk management and insurance.

Join a CPCU Study Group!

Stay accountable with an 8-week, instructor-led study group with the CPCU Society for extra support with the CPCU core courses. Our data shows that students who enroll in an online CPCU study group score 5 points higher on their exam than they did before joining. New groups for CPCU 500, 520, 530 and 540 start April 8!

Real CPCUs, Real Stories.

Learn how being a CPCU enhances the dynamic life experiences of real CPCUs worldwide, alongside their other roles and identities.

Online CPCU At A Glance

6-8 week courses Entirely online Virtual exams

Gain strategic leadership skills you can use right away with the CPCU designation. This program includes:

  • 8 courses, plus ethics
  • 18-24 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Matriculation requirement
  • Mailed diploma upon completion
  • Ongoing continuing education

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Strategic Leadership
  • Business Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Risk Management
  • Strategic Data Analysis
  • Cross-Organization Collaboration
  • Develop and hone your critical-thinking skills so you can solve strategic business challenges
  • Lead teams confidently with a solid understanding of how insurer departments connect with one another
  • Develop solutions that address exposures created by the legal system
  • Use ratios and monetary calculations to determine the financial impact of potential strategies
  • Use data to further contribute to the insurance value chain and elevate your organization's competitive advantage

CPCU is more than a designation — it's an experience. From the moment you start a CPCU course, you join a bustling community ready with advice, study groups, networking opportunities, and more. 

Strengthen your network of other risk management and insurance professionals through the CPCU Society and stay at the forefront of emerging trends through ongoing continuing education with CPCU In Good Standing

If you have earned a master's degree or non-Institutes professional certification, you may be eligible to waive courses in CPCU. Visit the Academic Waivers page for more details or to complete the Waiver Form. 

If you are an international student, please review the International Education Exemption Application regarding qualifications on waivers.

CPCU Designation

Total Requirements: 10 Average Course: 6-8 Weeks Program Completion: 18-24 Months

Still Wondering if CPCU is Right for You?


Want to Know More?

Get details about The Institutes Designations CPCU, how it compares to an MBA, and answers to the most common questions about CPCU.

Not Ready for CPCU? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Risk Management


Distinguish yourself by learning how to apply a holistic, strategic approach to risk assessment and treatment by focusing on optimizing the risks inherent to organizations.



*Based on analysis of CPCU student exam results vs exam preparation methodologies, 2020-2021

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