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The Institutes CPCU Society

The CPCU Society is a global community offering risk management professionals exclusive networking, leadership, and career growth opportunities.

Professional thinking while typing on a computer.

Member Benefits

With a global network of risk management and insurance professionals and cutting-edge knowledge, Society membership includes both CPCU designees and any risk management and insurance professional who would like to join, and will take your career to new heights. Explore the benefits of membership today to learn more about why you should join or renew your membership. 

  • Free monthly webinars and a subscription to the quarterly professional journal, Insights, which includes top trends and topics in risk management and insurance
  • Online community, member directory, and Mentor Match program
  • Access to Career Center tools and resources
  • Exclusive member discounts
  • Unlimited access to on-demand educational materials
Hands typing on a laptop surrounded by notebooks, pencils, and glasses

Facilitated CPCU Study Groups

Earn your CPCU with the support of a Facilitated Study Group. Gain accountability, learn from real-life case studies, and benefit from the camaraderie of a group – plus get expert guidance to keep you on track. New sessions begin quarterly, and registration is free for CPCU Society members.

Professionals standing in front of crowd

The Leading Risk & Insurance Annual Event

Join the CPCU Society at In2Risk! In2Risk is an annual event for risk management and insurance professionals that includes leadership development, technical education, inspiring keynotes, conferment and celebration of new CPCU designees, and more.


Find Your Local CPCU Society Chapter

Use the interactive map to find your local chapter and visit their website to get more information on available activities, classes, and events. 

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