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New to Insurance? We Can Help You Make a Strong Start

Get ahead quickly with The Institutes Designations.

Explore Our Most Popular Introductory Programs

Complete a online course in a few hours, or earn a professional designation in just a few months.

Online Course Most Popular

Insurance Essentials


Gain a basic understanding of risk management and insurance concepts. Learn key terms and definitions, understand the different types of insurance, and explore how insurance affects society and the economy.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Insurance


Select the program path that matches your career goals and gain foundational knowledge in risk management and insurance.

The Institutes courses provided me with a better understanding of the insurance world as a whole and have helped prepare me for my future as an insurance professional.

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Meg Griffith CPCU, AU-M Client Outcome Specialist

woman standing in front of fountain with arms crossed, smiling

Not Sure Where to Start? Try a Free Sample Course!

Master Insurance Basics with AINS®

  • Interactive video courses help you learn on the go
  • Assignments in 25 minutes or less help you retain what you learned
  • Extensive exam prep materials test your knowledge
  • A simulated credentialing exam prepares you for the real thing
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Pitch Your Employer

Get your boss on board with your skill-building plans! Here's our top tips to get support and reimbursement.

  1. Show the numbers: Include details on program cost and the length from our Designation or Online Course pages.
  2. Prove the ROI: Explain how the course will impact your company’s bottom line. Will you problem solve better and decrease call times? Will you impress customers and get more sales?
  3. Outline a schedule: Tell them when and how often you’ll need to study. If it will impact your work time, propose a plan that shows it won’t affect your output.
  4. Connect to company values: Tie your learning goals to your organization's mission and goals. If innovation is one of your company’s values, show how your course will help you think outside the box.

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