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Professional Risk Consultant (PRC®)

A collaboration of The Institutes Designations and The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers

Excel Today, Lead Tomorrow.

Let the PRC Help Take You to the Next Level

Earning the Professional Risk Consultant (PRC®) designation illustrates to your prospects and leaders that you are dedicated to serving your clients, staying current on trends and updates, and are in control of your future as a respected and in-demand producer.

Earning Your Professional Risk Consultant (PRC®)

One Core Course
Gain a deeper understanding of how the insurance industry works, who the players are, what each department does to be an effective producer
One Concentration Course
Select a concentration course to focus your expertise
Three Micro-Certs
Build specialized expertise with our curated selection of Micro-Certs
One Ethics Course
Develop skills to recognize ethical dilemmas and reach informed decisions
Display your PRC digital badge in your email signature and social media profiles with pride
3-6 Months Virtual Exams

Build skills you’ll apply immediately as you earn your PRC.

Program highlights:

  • 2 courses, 3 Micro-Certs, plus ethics
  • 3-6 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon program completion
  • Digital badge upon program completion
  • Understand the expanding role of a producer, including serving as risk consultants
  • Explore the impact of analytics and technology on the evolution of risk and insurance
  • Discover the benefits and key components of insurance
  • Distinguish between personal, casualty, and commercial insurance
  • Analyze the unique property loss exposures faced by commercial and personal clients
  • Recognize the essentials of commercial coverage solutions including workers comp, breakdown, commercial crime, and more
  • Help your small business clients meet their coverage needs
  • Dive into the coverages offered by the homeowners and personal auto policies

Your Next Steps

We recommend starting your studies with PRC 110 Insurance Foundations for Agents and Brokers. 

PRC Designation

Total Requirements: 6 Average Course: 6-9 Hours Program Completion: 3-6 Months
Designation Credly Badge

You have questions, we have answers:

We want to help you succeed!

If you have questions give us a call or send us an email.



U.S. and Canada: (800) 644-2101

Outside the U.S.: (610) 644-2100

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