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PRC 110: Insurance Foundations for Agents and Brokers

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NEW: PRC 110 Now Includes Bonus Content on AI!

Learn the basics of AI, how to prompt large language models, how it's impacting risk management and insurance, and more. You’ll find the AI in Action bonus content in the Assignments section of your course. But don't worry — this won’t be on your exam!



Learn about common types of insurance and insurers. Explore how risk management has evolved. Gain an understanding of why insurance operations are regulated. Take tours through key departments you’ll work with as a producer including underwriting, claims, and sales. Explore the different risks commercial and personal clients face. Learn how producers serve as their clients’ risk consultants.


Skills You'll Gain

 checkmark Understand the expanding role of a producer, including serving as risk consultants

 checkmark Tour the departments you will work with regularly

 checkmark Explore the impact of analytics and technology on the evolution of risk and insurance

 checkmark Recognize the distinguishing characteristics of insurance policies

 checkmark Understand the benefits and key components of insurance

 checkmark Distinguish between personal, casualty, and commercial insurance

 checkmark Dive into how insurance is regulated and marketed

 checkmark Analyze the unique property loss exposures faced by commercial and personal clients

Completing this course gives credit toward The Institutes Designations:

  • Professional Risk Consultant™ (PRC)


Assignment 1:
How Does Insurance Address Your Clients’ Needs?
Assignment 2:
Which Insurer Departments Will You Collaborate With?
Assignment 4:
How Is Insurance Sold?
Assignment 5:
What Are the Basics of Insurance Policies?
Assignment 6:
What Risks Do Your Commercial Clients Face?
Assignment 7:
What Risks Do Your Personal Clients Face?
AI in Action
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

PRC 110 comes with proven comprehensive study materials to help you take The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence:

  • Printable Study Outline
    The study outline provides a summary of the course content and review questions to help you test your knowledge of each assignment as you move through the course.
  • QuizMe App
    A flexible and convenient way for you to take practice quizzes anytime, anywhere.
  • Practice Quizzes
    Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice quizzes for each assignment and for the full course. And bonus – take them as many times as you want.
  • Simulated Exam
    Designed to give you the full experience of your final exam, the simulated exam is a timed exam that you can only take once. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam. Students who take their Institutes simulated exam pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.
  • Discussion Boards
    Better understand how key concepts apply to real-life, professional experiences by connecting, gaining tips, and sharing best practices with others in your field.
  • Flashcards
    Test yourself on key terms with flashcards to help you fit studying into your busy schedule.



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