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NEW: Associate in Insurance Data Analytics® (AIDA™)

Gain in-demand data analytics skills and learn how to speak the language of data with The Institutes Designations' AIDA.

AIDA at a Glance

Gain high-demand skills you can use right away with the AIDA designation. Program details include: 

  • 3 courses, plus ethics 
  • 6-9 months to complete 
  • 100% online courses 
  • Virtual exams for all courses 
  • Two digital badges  
  • Mailed diploma upon completion 

The AIDA 401 and AIDA 402 exams are pending state CE-approval. Please check back soon.

Ready-Made Career Skills

  • Data Analysis
  • Insurtech
  • Data Modeling
  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Business Innovation
  • Data Ethics
  • Speak the language of data so you can effectively collaborate with colleagues and data specialists and accurately share results with leaders at your organization
  • Identify opportunities where data and technology can be applied to predict and prevent insurable losses before they happen
  • Develop your critical-thinking skills and apply data analysis techniques so you can solve strategic business challenges and make data-driven decisions
  • Contribute to a data-driven culture to ensure that you and your organization are equipped for a rapidly approaching future
  • Build a sound ethical foundation to ensure you’re using customer data responsibly and are a trusted stakeholder at your organization

You’ll earn two digital badges for completing both the AIDA 401 and AIDA 402 exams to help you show off your achievements with pride. You can post them on your social media channels or add them to your email signature to show your manager and peers that you've mastered the top skills employers are looking for in the evolving world of risk management and insurance. 

You can select a testing window when you purchase your exam and take it any time during that window. AIDA virtual exams are timed, and you will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions. 

In addition to using other exam prep materials included in your course, we recommend taking the simulated exam before you take your credentialing exam. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam, and students who take it pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.

AIDA Speech Bubbles

Stay at the Forefront of Risk Management and Insurance

In the constantly evolving field of risk management and insurance, it’s never been more important to stay up to date with emerging topics and build skills to future-proof your career. AIDA courses will help you:

  • Prepare for the future of risk management and insurance with course topics covering Insurtech, AI, data ethics, and more
  • Showcase your leadership skills by helping to foster an innovative, data-driven culture at your organization
  • Set yourself apart by leveraging data and technology to make strategic business decisions, one of the top skills risk management and insurance leaders are looking for

AIDA Designation

Total Requirements: 4 Average Course: 4-6 Weeks Program Completion: 6-9 Months

Frequently Asked Questions

Not Ready for AIDA? We've got you covered.

Try one of these to get started and gain the skills you need to advance your career.

Designation Most Popular



Gain confidence and make better business decisions through a broad understanding of the relevant and emerging concepts in risk management and today’s insurance landscape. Drive results and enhance your credibility through strong knowledge of coverage applications, various risk transfer tools, data analysis, and more.

Designation Most Popular

Associate in Risk Management


Distinguish yourself by learning how to apply a holistic, strategic approach to risk assessment and treatment by focusing on optimizing the risks inherent to organizations.



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