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Leadership Acceleration

Equip your current and emerging leaders with the skills and confidence to propel your organization into the future.

Build a Pipeline of Leaders Ready to Solve Business Challenges

Unlike other management or leadership training programs, educational offerings from The Institutes Knowledge Group are tailored to the context and intricacies of the risk management business. Leaders of all levels can access a range of online and in-person leadership development offerings to gain the expertise and confidence to boldy lead the future. 

100% of respondents from the 2023 Executive Education Program said they would recommend the program to a colleague.

3X The CPCU is rated as the most valuable credential for demonstrating insurance and leadership skills – by 3x more decision-makers than the next best credential.

100% of survey respondents from the 2023 Business Strategy for Emerging Leaders Program said they found value in the program content.

Leadership Designations


Associate in Management


Hone your leadership skills and gain a solid understanding of management principles and practices to effectively manage your team, strategically plan initiatives, and make smarter business decisions.

An image of a woman at a laptop illustrating strong customer service as a CPCU designee


The Institutes Designations' CPCU is the leadership standard for risk management and insurance professionals — and it's just been updated. The program now reflects the evolving risk management and insurance landscape and has an enhanced learning experience to match the needs of today’s busy adult learner

Lead the Future With CPCU CPCU®

In-Person Leadership Development

Give your emerging and senior leaders the space and opportunity to step away from the business, so they can work on the business. They’ll return with skills and strategies they can implement right away. 

Participants of the Business Strategy for Emerging Leaders program walking confidently

Business Strategy for Emerging Leaders Program

The Institutes Designations' Business Strategy for Emerging Leaders program, in partnership with the Wisconsin School of Business Center for Professional & Executive Development, offers 3.5 days of in-person learning to equip emerging leaders with the skills needed to balance strategic thinking and tactical execution.

Designed For: Experienced, high-potential directors or managers and a common next step for CPCU designees. 

Program Details
participant of The Institutes executive education program

Executive Education Program

The Institutes Designations' Executive Education program, in partnership with the Darden School Foundation at UVA, provides strategic leadership training tailored to the context and intricacies of the risk management business over 4.5 days of immersive, in-person learning.

Designed For: Experienced, senior-level leaders and a common next step for Business Strategy for Emerging Leaders program graduates. 

Program Details


Accelerate Your Organization's Leadership Potential

Contact your Sales Account Executive or reach out to today to learn more about leadership development solutions tailored to the context of the risk management and insurance business. You can also explore our Leadership Acceleration toolkit for a collection of resources to share with others in your organization. 

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