Ready to Take Your Exam?
You can complete your virtual exam anytime, from any location with a reliable internet connection. Make sure you review and follow the technical requirements for virtual exams on our Exam Information page. Then, here’s how you get started:
- Log in to your Institutes account, click on My Courses, then find and launch your exam.
- Complete the Exam Administration Affidavit and Agreement, agreeing to The Institutes’ Code of Academic and Professional Integrity and The Institutes Rules of Conduct.
- The timer starts when you Open Exam; it cannot be paused. You have one attempt and 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.*
- You are notified of pass/non-pass status immediately upon completion—70% or above is a passing score.
- Your student record will update within 48 hours.
- Good Luck!

Rules of Conduct
The Institutes, in accordance with its mission to provide educational programs and professional certification to individuals in the insurance industry, has a commitment and obligation to ensure that those who receive our designations and certifications meet academic and professional standards. To that end, The Institutes developed two codes or sets of rules. CPCUs and CPCU candidates are subject to the CPCU Code of Professional Conduct. They along with all other persons taking Institutes exams are subject to The Institutes’ Code of Academic and Professional Integrity.
In addition, everyone taking an Institutes’ exam must follow certain procedures(e.g., not using notes when taking an exam) as outlined in The Rules of Conduct. Every student must agree to these before launching and completing their virtual exam.
Any examinee who is found to have violated The Institutes' Rules of Conduct for test administration forfeits the right to confidentiality.
Common Questions About Exam Day
What do I need to test?
- A quiet testing space free of distraction or interruption.
- A reliable internet connection.
- An internet-connected device with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Firefox browser.
What should I do if I have a problem during my exam?
If there is a technical reason you cannot complete your exam, contact Customer Success ASAP.
Can I take a break during my exam?
There are no scheduled breaks during the exam. The exam clock does not pause once you start your exam. Anyone leaving their computer during the testing session remains bound by The Institutes’ Rules of Conduct.
How are exams formatted?
Exams are 65 minutes with 50 questions.** The timer starts when you launch the exam after completing the Affidavit. It cannot be paused.
Insider tip: If you need to retake your exam, you can retake once in the same testing window. Retakes are $80 off the standard price if you retake in the same testing window.***
How can I see how I did?
You will know whether you passed immediately after finishing your exam. For a full breakdown of how you did by topic area, check out your grade report, which will be available 24 to 48 hours after your exam.
Want more exam resources?
Check out "Exam Information" and "After Exam Day" to learn more!