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Virtual Exam Rules of Conduct

Students must follow The Institutes Designations' Rules of Conduct when taking virtual exams to ensure an ethical exam experience for all students.

The Institutes Designations' Virtual Exam Rules of Conduct

  1. I am the named person scheduled to take this exam.
  2. I will complete the exam without assistance from any other persons and will not communicate with anyone during the exam.
  3. At all relevant times, I will abide by the provisions of the rules of conduct accompanying the exam.
  4. I understand that I am subject to The Institutes’ Code of Academic and Professional Integrity, which can be found at; and I understand that The Institutes conduct ongoing data forensics to identify response patterns to examination questions and may invalidate any testing results that indicate testing irregularity.
  5. You may use a calculator during your testing session.
  6. During your testing session you are prohibited from using or consulting any resource, including but not limited to study notes, course materials, websites, phones, generative AI (such as ChatGPT) or any other artificial intelligence technologies or tools. For clarification, the only resource you may use is your calculator.
  7. I understand that this is a timed exam and once the exams starts, the timer continues to run and cannot be paused.
  8. I understand and accept that test questions and responses will not be returned under any conditions.
  9. I will not make copies of any exam questions and will not post any exam questions and/or specific question topics anywhere including any internet and/or social media sites. I understand that, in accordance with the copyright notice, any reproduction of the materials in whole or in part, contained in this examination, through any means, including, but not limited to, copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through the memorization, and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of exam materials or derivative works through any form of verbal, electronic, or written communications is strictly prohibited.
  10. I understand that information that is copyrighted and proprietary to the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters is included in this examination. Use of The Institutes Designations or CEU exam material by examinees is limited to use solely for the exam presented on this date. All other uses are prohibited by U.S. Copyright Law.
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