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Short Course Collection

Time-saving, cost-effective courses and Micro-Certs quickly sharpen your skills

A young African American woman in a suit and wearing her hair in braids in a bun works on an iPad in a brightly lit station while waiting for her train.

Add to your skillset with on-demand courses and Micro-Certs designed for busy professionals like you that won’t eat up your free-time or weekends. Complete assignment modules in as little as 5 minutes, or a whole assignment in as little 25 minutes. Explore our courses and Micro-Certs today.

25 Minutes a Day
Each online program features modules you can complete in as little as 5 minutes, or a whole assignment in as little 25 minutes.
Complete modules and assignments when and where you want with on-demand courses and Micro-Certs.
Set your own schedule, complete assignment modules in as little as 5 minutes, or a whole assignment in as little 25 minutes.
Sharpen Your Skills
Celebrate adding to your skillset through courses and Micro-Certs.

Discovery endless opportunity with courses crafted to help you better understand the nuances of risk management and insurance in specialized industries.

Select one course that focuses on your clients’ industry-specific risks and coverage gaps to become their trusted, consultative partner – or dive into multiple courses to find the industry that suits you best. 

Better understand employee benefits so you can serve your clients with courses and certificates in health care, retirement, and general benefits. We partner with the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans (IFEBP) to offer this valuable content.

Invest 25 minutes in your career today!

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