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Flexible Content

Emerging Technologies and Risk

Learn to successfully navigate the changing risk environment.

Bottom-Line Benefits

Gain the insight you need to understand how emerging risks are affecting your clients and your business by understanding how innovation will influence technology as well as disrupt and transform the industry through the digitization of risk management and insurance, data-driven decision making, blockchain and the digital revolution. 

Professional development with The Institutes opens up doors and expands the horizon of opportunities available to you. Institutes designation programs and courses teach you how to think more broadly and, in the process, help you gain recognition from your peers and management.

Randall Clinger CPCU, ARe Vice President, Head of Marketing Communications at Swiss Re America Holding Corporation

Course Details

Emerging Technologies and Risk

Learn how disruptive technologies will change the way you work and the future of risk management.

Course Level
Average Completion Time
3-4 Hours
  • The Digitization of Risk Management and Insurance: Disruption
  • Data-Driven Decision Making in Risk Management and Insurance
  • How the Internet of Things Expands the Data Pipeline
  • How the blockchain will transform risk management and insurance
  • How Data Analytics Animates the Digital Revolution
  • The Digital Revolution in Risk Management and Insurance: Where We're Going

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Gain practical leadership skills, including business decision-making, critical thinking, and data analysis, so you can lead the future of risk management and insurance.

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