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Essentials of Property Insurance

Explore commercial property insurance, from its origins through to today. Examine landmark court decisions. Review today’s property policy components as well as covered and excluded causes of loss. Discuss the fundamentals of the ISO commercial property coverage forms, Business Income forms, and causes of loss forms.

  • Standard Webinar Price: $49.00
  • Unlimited Access Program Subscriber Price: $24.50
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Webinar Details

Essentials of Property Insurance

Explore commercial property insurance as you examine landmark court decisions and review today’s property policy components as well as covered and excluded causes of loss. Discuss the various Cause of Loss forms in use – how they are similar and how they differ.

Date and Time
Webinar Duration
60 minutes
  • Understand how property insurance developed in the US
  • Examine the basics of commercial property coverage
  • Review the various Cause of Loss forms in use – how they are similar and how they differ
  • Explore Business Income coverage, extra expense, and period of restoration


Michael Brown, CPCU headshot

Michael Brown , CPCU


Michael Brown holds several industry designations, the Property Technical Certificate I, and the standards of training in Evaluating Earthquake Damage as required by the California DOI for earthquake claims adjusting. In addition, Michael has written articles related to property catastrophe insurance for Risk Management and WIN magazines; and has been interviewed for articles in several journals. Michael was named a 2016 Risk Management All-Star by Risk and Insurance magazine and one of the Hot 100 insurance professionals for 2019 by Insurance Business America magazine.

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