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California Workers' Compensation Claims Professional (WCCP®)

Gain skills in the complex world of California workers' compensation claims with a comprehensive understanding of claims practices, labor codes, and case law with The Institutes Designations WCCP.

Important Update: WCCP is Retiring

This program is retiring, and courses and exams will no longer be orderable as of April 30, 2025. Students have one year from the purchase date to complete the program, which includes all required exams. Please contact Customer Success for assistance with testing windows or any program-related questions. 

4 Core Courses
Build expertise in California workers' compensation claims
Apply ethical frameworks to your day-to-day job
Stand out with your WCCP designation

WCCP at a Glance

Gain on-the-job skills you can use right away with the WCCP designation.

Program details include:

  • 4 courses, plus ethics
  • 12-15 months to complete
  • 100% online courses
  • Optional printed textbook
  • Virtual exams for all courses
  • Mailed diploma upon completion

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Workers Compensation Claims
  • Claim Investigation
  • Disability Claims Management
  • Insurance Law
  • Privacy Regulations
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Improve your ability to evaluate various bodily impairments so that you can more effectively handle workers’ compensation claims
  • Become more proficient at using permanent disability schedules to better determine who is entitled to benefits
  • Learn to effectively navigate the legal landscape of workers’ compensation claims so you’re better prepared to address claims challenges
  • Understand the remedies available under various funds so that you can ensure benefits are provided appropriately
  • Gain critical knowledge about the commutation of awards so that you understand how it applies to specific situations

WCCP Designation

Total Requirements:
Average Completion Time:
12-15 Months

Not ready for a designation yet?

Certificate Program

California Workers' Compensation Claims Administration


Better serve your customers with a comprehensive overview of California workers' compensation claims. Develop your understanding of injury and affirmative defenses, medical benefits, disability and death benefits, and discovery and litigation practices.

Online Course

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance


Confidently serve your customers with an understanding of basic risk management and insurance principles. Build a foundation in insurance functions and regulation, the risk management process, and the claims and underwriting decision processes.

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