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WCCP 18: Advanced Issues in Discovery and Litigation in CA Workers' Compensation Claims

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Gain essential skills in workers’ compensation legal proceedings so you can tackle issues regarding legal privileges, privacy rights, evidence at trial, and arbitration. After completing WCCP 18, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the disqualification and reassignment of judges, the dismissal and resolution of claims, arbitration and litigation costs, and more.


Skills You'll Gain

checkmark Effectively navigate advanced discovery and litigation issues of workers’ compensation claims so you’re better prepared to handle various legal and courtroom challenges.

checkmark Understand the various laws, privileges, and rights related to claims so you can prevent complications in resolving disputes.

checkmark Learn to navigate mandatory settlement conferences so you can resolve claims issues more efficiently.

checkmark Improve your knowledge around what evidence is needed and can be presented for workers’ compensation claims so that benefits are issued fairly.

Ready-Made Career Skills

  • Workers Compensation Claims
  • Privacy Regulations
  • Subpoenas
  • Claims Resolution
  • Insurance Law


Assignment 1:
Subpoenas, Depositions, and Surveillance
20 Minutes
Assignment 2:
Legal Privileges and Privacy Rights
30 Minutes
Assignment 3:
Mandatory Settlement Conferences
20 Minutes
Assignment 4:
Disqualification and Reassignment of Judges
10 Minutes
Assignment 5:
Evidence at Trial
20 Minutes
Assignment 6:
Dismissal of Claims and Resolution of Claims
25 Minutes
Assignment 7:
Medicare Set-Asides and Attorneys’ Fees
20 Minutes
Assignment 8:
Contribution in Cumulative Injury Cases
15 Minutes
Assignment 9:
Arbitration and Litigation Costs
15 Minutes
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

WCCP 18 comes with proven, comprehensive study materials to help you take The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence:

  1. Online Course: Easily study on the go with an online course you can access from anywhere.
  2. Textbook: If you prefer a tangible resource, the recommended package comes with a textbook to help you reinforce the skills and concepts you learned in the course. 
  3. Practice Exams: Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice exams. And bonus—you can take them as many times as you want.


  1. Does this course give me credit toward The Institutes Designations?
  2. How long does the course take?
    • WCCP 18 typically takes students 6-8 weeks to complete.
  3. How is The Institutes Designations’ exam structured?
    • Virtual exams are timed. You will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.
  4. What’s included in my course materials?
    • In addition to the online course, you have access to practice exams to help you identify your knowledge gaps. If you select the recommended course package, you will also receive a printed textbook. 
  5. How do testing windows work?
    • We offer exams in 4 testing windows throughout the year.* You can complete your exam at any time in the testing window that you registered for. Access your exam from your account when the window opens and complete any time until 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the window.
      • Quarter 1: January 15 – March 15
      • Quarter 2: April 15 – June 15
      • Quarter 3: July 15 – September 15
      • Quarter 4: October 15 – December 15

*Exam windows that close on a weekend will be extended to the following business day.

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