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Professional Development

Why Become a CPCU? Interview With Kelsey Connors, CPCU

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You may have been asking yourself, is CPCU worth it? We definitely think it is, but don’t just take our word for it! Over 90,000 RMI professionals have invested in themselves to become CPCUs, and today we’ll hear from one of them about how earning her CPCU has impacted her career.  

We sat down with Kelsey Connors, a Policy & Performance Underwriter at USAA, to talk about the benefits earning her CPCU has had on her professional development. Kelsey shares how she’s been able to improve her communication about complex topics, expand her professional network, and grow her career. Read on! 


Question: Why did you become a CPCU? 

Answer: I wanted to get into the underwriting path, and I knew I would ultimately need my CPCU, as it’s required for most of those roles. Plus, I wanted to learn more about the industry in general. CPCU gives you a lot of broad knowledge, whether it's in personal lines, commercial lines, different types of contracts, or even life insurance and health insurance. It really gives you a well-rounded education that you can only get at The Institutes. 


Q: What types of business or client challenges do you think you're better equipped to solve because you’re a CPCU? 

A: In my previous role, I often communicated with company members directly on our chat channel. A lot of the discussions would be about servicing. For example, rates are a common discussion, especially in today's climate with the rate increases going on. After earning my CPCU, I was able to better explain that process and what goes into reviewing and analyzing rates. You learn a lot more behind the rate making process, what different carriers have to analyze, and the different types of ratios that the company is looking at. Just knowing that information helped me communicate better with members at my company.  

CPCU also helped me easily segue into my current underwriting role. Because this is a completely new department, a lot of what I’m doing is different than what I'm used to. However, I’ve already had some of that background in the CPCU courses, whether it’s learning about how actuaries are calculating, what they're looking for in risk reviews, etc. My designation has helped me a lot, but the main benefit is helping educate others about it, too.  

Quote from Kelsey Connors about the value of CPCU and answering the question is CPCU worth it


Q: How has CPCU helped you make a difference? 

A: I've really tried to get involved at my company and become a voice for CPCU. I've encouraged my peers to look into the designation while answering questions about it because I think it's one of the most valuable tools you can get working in insurance. For me, CPCU has been even more valuable than my degree. It helped set me up for future roles and my current role that I really wasn't able to get prior.  

CPCU helped my career path a lot and I want to help express that to others. For example, we have professional designation talk rooms where we chat with different people about what they're studying, and my goal is to help continue to educate about CPCU. Plus, I’m on the membership committee for The Institutes CPCU Society, which has helped me learn things I never knew before, like that students can join through the Pathways membership. In general, I think there's a lot of opportunity to get more people involved. 


Q: What excites you about being a CPCU? 

A: It feels exciting because it's a very prestigious credential in the industry. Looking at insurance professionals as a whole, less than 10% have their CPCU designation. I feel more accomplished; I took it upon myself to go through the process, and I've done something that most might not have pursued.  

Plus, I’ve been able to make a lot of new connections. I went to In2Risk in November in San Francisco where I met a lot of great people, either from my company or at other carriers. Being able to network with different people and attend local chapter events made me feel more included in the insurance community. All of that is what I've enjoyed the most from earning my CPCU. 


Q: Why are you a CPCU? 

A: I'm a CPCU because I want to know the most about insurance and be a part of a great community. I highly encourage anyone out there to obtain their CPCU. It really is worth the time that you put into it, and you gain so much more than you think you will at the end of the process. 


Start Your Journey to Becoming a CPCU  

So, is CPCU worth it? It was for Kelsey and thousands of others who’ve used their designation to leverage new networking opportunities and career advancement. The Institutes Designations' CPCU® is the leadership standard in risk management and insurance for a reason, and those who embark on their CPCU journey will gain practical leadership expertise, credibility, and valuable skills they’ll use for the rest of their RMI career.  

Hear more from Kelsey in this video, and get started on your CPCU journey today! 

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