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Everyday Ethics: Ethical Conduct & Professionalism in Insurance

Meet your ethics CE requirements in this interactive, three-hour webinar! Bring your learning to life through nine case studies. Explore the role ethics plays in your everyday when meeting business objectives while avoiding unethical practices, using evolving insurtech solutions, and protecting client privacy and relationships. Understand how to maintain ethical practices in rating, sales, underwriting, and claims. Leave with informed, personal ethical decision-making strategies you will be able to implement immediately.

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Kate Goering Headshot

Kate Goering , MBA, CPCU

Director in Human Resources and Development

Kate Goering is a Director in Human Resources and Development responsible for workforce technology. Over the past 23 years, she has held various roles in the insurance industry including procurement, claims, consulting, competitive analysis, and technology solution departments. Having served as a committee member for five years, Goering is now the Chair of the CPCU Society Ethics Committee and past president of the Mid-Tennessee CPCU Society Chapter. She holds the CPCU, AIC, ARM, CLU, ChFC, FLMI and ACS designations and has her MBA in Insurance.

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