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ANFI 205: National Flood Insurance: Fundamentals

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Effectively meet customers’ needs with a solid foundation in the  policy coverages of the NFIP. Content is based on FEMA's October 2022 Flood Insurance Manual. Course topics include eligibility requirements and policy forms, how to write, endorse, renew, and cancel a policy, coastal barrier resources systems, claims, leased federal properties, flood maps, guidance for severe repetitive loss properties, and rate tables.


Skills You’ll Gain

checkmark Understand the role of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) so you can explain its benefits to customers and colleagues.

checkmark Learn how to apply the requirements of the NFIP to determine whether a community or building is eligible for coverage.

checkmark Become familiar with the NFIP flood insurance application process so you can help customers complete the form efficiently and accurately.

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Flood Insurance
  • Flood Control
  • Flood Risk
  • Claims
  • Policy Form


Assignment 1:
Before You Start
Assignment 2:
How to Write
Assignment 3:
How to Endorse
Assignment 4:
How to Renew
Assignment 5:
How to Cancel
Assignment 6:
Key NFIP Appendix Topics
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

Developed in collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ANFI 205 comes with free, proven study materials to help you take The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence:

  1. FEMA's October 2022 Flood Insurance Manual: Easily download this important resource to study the content and review its key topics.
  2. Educational Outline: Focus your studying with an educational outline that summarizes the course content and highlights key areas of the manual to review in preparation for the exam.
  3. QuizMe App: A flexible and convenient way for you to assess your understanding anytime, anywhere.
  4. Practice Exam: Quickly identify knowledge gaps with an online practice exam for the full course. And bonus—Take it as many times as you want.


  1. Does this course give me credit toward The Institutes Designations?
    • Yes! ANFI 205 gives you credit toward the Associate in National Flood Insurance (ANFI®) designation.
  2. How long does the course take?
    • ANFI 205 typically takes students 4-6 weeks to complete.
  3. How is The Institutes Designations' exam structured?
    • Virtual exams are timed. You will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.
  4. What’s included in my course materials?
    • Your free course materials include access to FEMA's October 2022 Flood Insurance Manual, as well as an educational outline, QuizMe app, and practice exam.
  5. How do testing windows work?
    • We offer The Institutes Designations' exams in 4 testing windows throughout the year.* You can complete your exam at any time in the testing window that you registered for. Access your exam from your account when the window opens and complete it any time until 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the window.
      • Quarter 1: January 15–March 15
      • Quarter 2: April 15–June 15
      • Quarter 3: July 15–September 15
      • Quarter 4: October 15–December 15

*Exam windows that close on a weekend will be extended to the following business day.

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