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ARC 301: Navigating the Insurance Regulatory Environment

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Develop a comprehensive knowledge of property-casualty insurance regulation. Through this course, you’ll build a solid foundation in insurance regulatory law and compliance, better understand the role of the NAIC in regulation, and learn strategies for advising insurance and regulatory authorities to strengthen insurance as a whole.


Skills You’ll Gain

checkmark Understand the different types of rate filings so you can provide guidance for insurers under each of the filing approaches.

checkmark Evaluate the types and scope of market conduct examinations on underwriting practices to effectively apply the principles of each philosophy.

checkmark Assess the fiduciary responsibilities in agency-insurer and producer-customer relationships to better relay this information to customers.

checkmark Compare regulatory philosophies related to surplus lines and licensed insurers in the U.S. to determine how a carrier should function under each.

Ready-Made Career Skills:

  • Insurance Regulatory Law
  • Insurance Compliance
  • Claims Review
  • Market Conduct
  • Fiduciary Management


Assignment 1:
Understanding the Need for Insurance Regulations
40 Minutes
Assignment 2:
Assessing How Insurance Regulation Has Evolved
30 Minutes
Assignment 3:
Analyzing Federal and Nongovernment Regulatory Influence
50 Minutes
Assignment 4:
Evaluating the Roles of State Insurance Regulators
40 Minutes
Assignment 5:
Examining the Role of the NAIC in Regulation
25 Minutes
Assignment 6:
Exploring Insurer Regulation
40 Minutes
Assignment 7:
Evaluating Underwriting Regulation
70 Minutes
Assignment 8:
Assessing Rate Regulation and Its Effects
50 Minutes
Assignment 9:
Examining Claims Regulation
20 Minutes
Assignment 10:
Evaluating Producer Regulation
40 Minutes
Assignment 11:
Analyzing Solvency Regulation
50 Minutes
Assignment 12:
Examining the Regulation of U.S. Surplus Lines Insurers
35 Minutes
Assignment 13:
Understanding International Insurance Regulations
25 Minutes
Study Plan

Exam Prep Tools

ARC 301 comes with proven, comprehensive study materials to help you pass The Institutes Designations' exam with confidence: 

  1. Online Course: Learn in a convenient format anywhere, anytime with videos that highlight subject matter experts in the regulatory field.  
  2. Practice & Assignment Quizzes: Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice quizzes for each assignment and for the full course. You can take them as many times as you want!  


  1. Does this course give me credit toward The Institutes Designations?
    • Yes! ARC 301 gives you credit toward the Associate in Regulation and Compliance (ARC™) designation.
  2. How long does the course take?
    • ARC 301 typically takes students 6-8 weeks to complete.
  3. How is The Institutes Designations' exam structured?
    • Virtual exams are timed. You will have 65 minutes to complete 50 questions.
  4. What’s included in my course materials?
    • In addition to the online course, you have access to assignment quizzes and practice exams. 
  5. How do testing windows work?
    • We offer The Institutes Designations' exams in 4 testing windows throughout the year. You can complete your exam at any time in the testing window that you registered for. Access your exam from your account when the window opens and complete any time until 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the window.
      • Quarter 1: January 15 – March 15
      • Quarter 2: April 15 – June 15
      • Quarter 3: July 15 – September 15
      • Quarter 4: October 15 – December 15
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