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NFIP: Flood Insurance

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Equip yourself to expertly manage flood insurance policies under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). 

Course Highlights

Delve into the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual, understanding recent legislative changes and their effects on premiums and coverage. Master compliance requirements, policy endorsements, adjustments, renewals, and cancellations. Gain the skills to offer precise guidance, confidently helping clients navigate complex flood insurance options and ensuring they receive optimal, compliant coverage. Enhance your expertise in flood insurance management to support clients effectively in an evolving regulatory landscape.

Check Your State's Proctor Requirements Before Selecting This Course 

Module 1
Module 2
Flood Insurance Foundations
Module 3
Building on the Basics: Community Eligibility and NFIP Policy Forms
Module 4
Building Compliance: NFIP Eligibility Essentials
Module 5
Blueprints and Belongings: Structural Variables and Contents Coverage
Module 6
From Application to Issuance: Writing New NFIP Business
Module 7
Managing Policy Changes: Endorsements Under the NFIP
Module 8
Renew and Retain: Best Practices for Policy Continuity
Module 9
Efficient Farewells: Handling NFIP Cancellations
Module 10
A happy piggy bank sits on a pile of money.

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  • Access to over 150 on-demand courses
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    • Property and Casualty insurance licenses
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