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Paul Winn Four-Hour LTC

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Explore the diverse types of long-term care services and the settings where they are provided. Distinguish qualified and nonqualified triggers for long-term care benefits. 

Course Highlights and Assignments

Identify national average costs of care and available financial resources to support long-term care needs. Understand the benefits, tax implications, and funding options of long-term care insurance. Recognize the ethical considerations and suitability standards necessary for advising clients on long-term care insurance. By providing an in-depth look at state and federal regulations, service providers, and consumer protection, the course prepares licensed agents to offer accurate, ethical advice in long-term care insurance, meeting both initial and ongoing certification requirements mandated for professionals in this field.

Check Your State's Proctor Requirements Before Selecting This Course 

Module 1
The Nature of Long-Term Care
Module 2
Long-Term Care Insurance
Module 3
Long-Term Care Costs and Payers
Module 4
Development of Long-Term Care Partnership
Module 5
Long-Term Care Partnership Policies
Module 6
Long-Term Care Marketing and Suitability
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  • Access to over 150 on-demand courses
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