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Paul Winn Secure Act 2.0

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Explore the transformative measures introduced by the SECURE Act 2.0, aimed at enhancing retirement savings and financial security. 

Course Highlights

Describe the Act’s provisions for expanding retirement plan coverage and promoting higher retirement contributions. Explain how new measures help participants preserve their retirement income over time. Enumerate the rule changes simplifying retirement plan administration and accessibility. Identify specific provisions designed to boost federal revenue through updated retirement plan regulations. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the SECURE Act 2.0’s phased implementation, from immediate changes to those rolling out over time, and navigate the evolving legislative landscape of retirement planning.

Module 1
Expanding Retirement Security – 2023
Module 2
Expanding Retirement Security – 2024 and Later
Module 3
Preserving Retirement Income
Module 4
Simplifying Retirement Plan Rules – 2023
Module 5
Simplifying Retirement Plan Rules – 2024 and Later
Module 6
Revenue Provisions
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