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Reinsurance Basics

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Explore the essential functions and mechanisms of reinsurance in modern risk management. 

Course Highlights & Assignments

Explore the essential functions and mechanisms of reinsurance in modern risk management. Distinguish treaty and facultative reinsurance, analyze reinsurance sources, and explore alternatives like finite risk and capital market methods. Examine key clauses in reinsurance treaties, from core provisions to state-mandated clauses. Understand ancillary agreements, reinsurance program design, audit processes, and the regulatory landscape. Study National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) tools and gain insights into the state-based regulatory framework for reinsurers, making this course essential for anyone involved in reinsurance or insurance regulation.

Check Your State's Proctor Requirements Before Selecting This Course 

Module 1
Introduction to Reinsurance
Module 2
Understanding Reinsurance Treaty Clauses
Module 3
Understanding Reinsurance Audits and Regulation
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