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Risk Management Basics

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Understand foundational risk management by exploring key risk measures, risk classifications, and management processes. 

Course Highlights

Understand foundational risk management by exploring key risk measures, risk classifications, and management processes. Discover how emerging technologies, such as AI, sensors, and computer vision, are revolutionizing risk assessment and control. Explore practical applications of smart products like wearables and drones, as well as the use of KPIs and key risk indicators to plan and respond to risks effectively. Topics also include corporate governance’s role in risk oversight, methods to protect physical property and organizational assets, and techniques for managing cyber, operational, social media, and supply chain risks for comprehensive resilience.

Check Your State's Proctor Requirements Before Selecting This Course 

Module 1
The Risk Management Process
Module 2
Corporate Governance
Module 3
Assessing Common Risks
Module 4
Assessing Evolving Risks
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