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Explorer's Guide to The Institutes

Did you know The Institutes are home to 18 brands that offer courses, Micro-Certs, events, conferences, webinars, podcasts, and more? Navigate those options with the Explorer's Guide to The Institutes.

As you explore, discover options curated from our brands matched to each step of your journey. Wherever you are in your journey, we are here with resources to help you grow in your role as an account manager, broker, independent agent, or customer service representative.

Navigation Tips

A green ranger hat with The Institutes triangles on its front.

  • Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of the Guide. You can be here to sharpen a specific skill, grow your network, get industry news, earn a designation, or more.
  • Start anywhere on the Guide. You can start at the outpost, on a chair lift, or on the bank of the creek, anywhere you like!
  • Click on the + to explore the options available at each point of interest
  • We created a quick key for you when browsing the options:
    • An icon of a lightbulb lighting upThought Leadership – Browse websites, articles and newsletters related to the topic you are exploring that serve as sound resources
    • An icon of a laptop displaying text and images on the screenCourse – Grow your skills and expertise with on-demand topic courses, Micro-Certs, and designation level courses
    • An icon of two hands shaking and a star above themMembership – Participate in communities ready to help you connect and build your network
    • An icon of headphones with sound waves between the ear pieces Podcast – Enjoy current and archived podcasts including insights and interviews with industry leaders, and more
    • An icon of a computer monitor with a play symbol on the screenWebinar – Stay updated or join the conversation with our live webinar options
    • An icon of a person at a podium and an audience of listernersConferences – Explore and plan to attend industry-focused events and conferences


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