GBA 2 highlights the impact of managing and directing employee benefit plans in realizing strategic organizational milestones. The course’s primary focus is on structuring, administering, and enhancing health-related benefit programs to achieve a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent in a constantly changing labor marketplace. The course begins with a comprehensive overview of the U.S. health care system, looking at various market segments and how they impact pricing and offerings in other sectors. GBA 2 then delves into selected advanced topics to deliver value in health plan design. The course examines rating and premium setting, controlling risk, and designing quality and cost-effective provider networks. The course integrates actuarial and funding issues with program design and compliance. Additionally, the course acquaints the learner with an understanding of other needs-relevant group benefits, such as disability income programs, long-term care, and life insurance protections. GBA 2 uses mini-cases and an integrated, course-wide case study to achieve its learning objectives of developing an appreciation for designing benefits programs within a highly volatile and rapidly evolving market economy.