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Employer Support Letter Template

Highlight the value of earning a designation from The Institutes for your employer

The following sample letter explains why earning a designation from The Institutes will benefit both you and your company and requests support from your employer for the cost of registering for the corresponding courses. The letter can be sent to your employer directly or used as talking points to start a conversation.


TO: [Your supervisor/HR representative’s name]

FROM: [Your name]

SUBJECT: Bringing value to [Company name] with a designation in _______________


Hello [Name],

I would like to continue enhancing my skills and contributions to [Company name] by earning the ___________ designation from The Institutes. I am seeking support for the cost of $­­­­­­­___ for course materials and exam registration fees.

Earning the ________________ designation from The Institutes will help me enhance my knowledge and skills as a[n] [Your job title] and in the insurance industry.

[Add specifics through bullet points and/or statistics. See examples below:

  • Find the relevant designation page on and note bottom-line benefits. Example: “90% of {Program name} designation completers, believe the {Program name} designation prepared them for their long-term career goals.”
  • Note any hard or soft skills this designation would give you. Example: “This designation will improve my interpersonal skills when working with clients.”
  • List any new technical skills you would gain.
  • Relate the designation to your role.
  • Talk about areas of improvement you foresee—how you will become better at x, y and z.]

Additionally, I would like to [enhance my learning experience through/share the insights gained] by [Explain how you will demonstrate value to the company—i.e., by networking with people or using what you have learned to stay relevant in emerging trends].

You can learn more about the ___________ designation and how my completion of it will benefit [Your company] at

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this learning and growth opportunity further. I appreciate your support as I pursue my professional development at [Your company] through The Institutes.


[Your name]

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