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Get Your Employer On Board

Get your boss on board with your skill-building plans! Here's our top tips to get support and reimbursement.

  1. Show the numbers: Include details on the course cost and the length. You can find these on our Designation or Topic Course pages.
  2. Prove the ROI: Explain how the course will impact your company’s bottom line. Will you problem solve better and decrease call times? Will you impress customers and get more sales?
  3. Outline a schedule: Tell them when and how often you’ll need to study. If it will impact your work time, propose a plan that shows it won’t affect your output.
  4. Connect to company values: Tie your goals to your organization's mission. For example, if innovation is a company value, explain how the course will enhance your creative thinking.

The Institutes courses provided me with a better understanding of the insurance world as a whole and have helped prepare me for my future as an insurance professional.

woman smiling

Meg Griffith CPCU, AU-M Client Outcome Specialist

77% of students say their designation helped them achieve their career goals

66% of students say their designation helped their overall job opportunities

84% of students say their designation helped them add value to their current role

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