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2023 Financial Regulators Program Presented by The Institutes Griffith Foundation, IREF and Katie School of Insurance and Risk Management

MALVERN, Pa. (September 7, 2023) —The Institutes Griffith Foundation, IREF, and the Katie School of Insurance at Illinois State University collaborated this summer to provide a multi-day program for financial regulators. An in-person event took place in June 2023 and covered a variety of topics including surplus lines, catastrophe risk modeling, and more.

This yearly, complimentary program is offered to financial insurance examiners, analysts, and actuaries. Attendees are selected via an application process with the intent of keeping seats limited to ensure a workshop, discussion-based environment.

“It is a pleasure to collaborate with the good folks at IREF and the Katie School of Insurance on elements of this outstanding educational program for insurance regulators. Our organization has the utmost respect for the work of these organizations, whose missions dovetail nicely with that of The Institutes Griffith Foundation” said Frank Paul Tomasello, Executive Director of The Institutes Griffith Foundation.

To accommodate those who could not attend the in-person event, The Institutes Griffith Foundation produced a series of short-duration video segments featuring conversations with some of the presenters. These segments cover five topics that were discussed at the event.

Speakers in the short video conversations included David L. Ocasek, CEO of Surplus Lines Association of Illinois; Karen Clark, CEO of Karen Clark & Co; Steve Kinion, Captive Insurance Director of Oklahoma Insurance Department; Dennis Burke, Vice President, State Relations, Reinsurance Association of America; and Dr. Martin F. Grace, James Boettner Professor of Risk, Temple University, Fox School of Business.

“IREF has a rich history of educating regulators involved with solvency regulation. The Katie School of Insurance at Illinois State University has been part of that tradition since 2005, and we will continue to be moving forward. In recent years, it has been a pleasure to welcome The Institutes Griffith Foundation into the fold of collaborative organizations, coming together to bring this programming to the regulatory community” said Jim Jones, Director of the Katie School of Insurance at Illinois State University.    

This supplementary series is titled “2023 Financial Regulators Program: Presenters’ Perspectives” and can be found on the Griffith website at

In keeping with the missions of the respective organizations, the content provided both at the in-person program and virtual series was strictly instructional in nature and did not support a position on any issues. 

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