If your customers own recreational vehicles, boats, or other equipment that don’t meet the standard definition of an automobile, you'll want to be able to guide their risk management strategies to ensure that they’ll be fully covered.
Course Highlights and Assignments:
If your customers own recreational vehicles, boats, or other equipment that don’t meet the standard definition of an automobile, you'll want to be able to guide their risk management strategies to ensure that they’ll be fully covered. This course explains the basics of the coverage available for recreational-type vehicles.
Check Your State's Proctor Requirements Before Selecting This Course
Module 1:
The Importance of Personal Insurance
Module 2:
Property Loss Exposures
Module 3:
Liability Loss Exposures
Module 4:
Using Risk Management to Address Customer Needs
Module 5:
Personal Insurance Market Segments
Module 6:
The Personal Auto Policy
Module 7:
Residential Property Insurance Policies
Module 8:
Coverage for Personal Recreational and Miscellaneous Vehicles
Module 9:
Underwriting Recreational Vehicle Loss Exposures
Module 10:
Underwriting High-Value and Specialty Auto Loss Exposures
Module 11:
Underwriting Other Types of Miscellaneous Vehicle Loss Exposures
Module 12:
Underwriting Information Required for Miscellaneous Vehicles
Module 13:
Mobile Home Coverage
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