Save Time and Money as You Meet Florida’s Requirements
As a producer or adjuster in Florida, you have specific CE requirements. Take the headache out of meeting those requirements with our on-demand courses designed to meet your needs.
Plus, when you select CEU you say goodbye to fees. That's right - the price you see is the price you pay, period. We don't add on state reporting fees. We don't add on hidden fees. What are you waiting for? Get CE without filing fees today.
Update your knowledge on topics important to helping clients in Florida - and earn state filing fee-free CE:
2025 Florida Law & Ethics Update: Life Health Variable Annuity
Created for agents licensed to write life, health, and annuities in Florida, this course is also useful for nonresident agents, consultants, agency staff, and any other insurance professionals seeking current information on Florida law and ethics.
2025 Florida Law and Ethics Update: All Lines Adjuster
Created for all-lines adjusters, but ideal for agents, consultants, and other insurance professionals, this course takes a look at the current information on Florida law and ethics related to the insurance industry.
2025 Florida Law and Ethics Update: General Lines
Created for general lines agents, but also relevant to adjusters, consultants, customer service representatives, and other insurance professionals, this course takes a look at the current information on Florida law and ethics related to the insurance industry.
2024 Florida Law and Ethics Update: Life - Variable Annuity
Created for agents licensed to write life, health, and annuities in Florida, this course is also useful for nonresident agents, consultants, agency staff, and any other insurance professionals seeking current information on Florida law and ethics.
2024 Florida Law and Ethics Update: Public Adjuster
This course provides the public adjuster with an update on Florida law and ethics relevant to the licensing authority and in compliance with Florida continuing education requirements prescribed under Rule 69B-122.180.
2024 Florida Law and Ethics Update: Health
Created for agents licensed to write health insurance in Florida, this course is also useful for nonresident agents, consultants, agency staff, and any other insurance professionals seeking current information on Florida law and ethics.
FEMA Flood Coverage
Whether you’re new to the subject or just need a refresher on the latest developments surrounding recent reform efforts, this course helps you navigate the changing currents of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Flood Insurance
Don't get caught up in rising waters, arm yourself with flood insurance knowledge to better serve your clients.
Florida Hurricane Loss Mitigation
Meet the Florida Department of Financial Services requirement that insurance professionals are prepared to assist homeowners in efforts to identify potential mitigation measures, identify licensed professionals who can inspect homes to verify implementation of mitigation measures, and reflect the premium discounts on homeowners insurance policies.
Florida Hurricane Premium Discounts and Mitigation Options
This course provides an abbreviated history of the hurricane condition in Florida, beginning with Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and examining the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons.
Marine Insurance
Learn the fundamental concepts associated with marine insurance through a primary understanding of why marine insurance is important.
Marine Insurance Claims Handling
Even if your job responsibilities revolve around other lines of insurance, familiarity with marine insurance claims handling will allow you to discuss with your customers how marine insurance differs from more conventional forms of coverage.
Ramp up on Coverage for Recreational Type Vehicles
If your customers own recreational vehicles, boats, or other equipment that don’t meet the standard definition of an automobile, you'll want to be able to guide their risk management strategies to ensure that they’ll be fully covered.

Get CEU Unlimited Today for Just $69!
Meet all your CE requirements, including Florida’s Law and Ethics Update requirement, for just $69 a year, period. We won’t add on any hidden or state reporting fees.
When you select CEU Unlimited you get all of this for just $69, period:
- Access to more than 150 on-demand courses approved for
- Property and Casualty insurance licenses
- Life and Health insurance licenses
- State-mandated courses – including Florida’s Law and Ethics Update requirement
- Select designation CE programs
- Save 50% on live webinars
- 24/7 on-demand access
- Stress less with unlimited exam retakes
- Enjoy zero fees
- We don't charge hidden fees
- We don't charge state reporting fees
- What you see is what you pay, period.